
Famous Tarot Decks

The Rider-Waite This deck should correctly be termed the Waite-Smith Tarot in order to reflect the equal impact both the designer and the illustrator have had on the modern Tarot. Created in 1909 by A.E. Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, this was one of the first decks to have a fully illustrated set of suit cards, rather than simply having the number of suit symbols printed on it. Waite was a member of…

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The World of Tarot Cards

A Tarot card deck consists of 78 colorful cards, each imprinted with captivating and curious images. These cards, filled with unique meanings and portents, are larger than ordinary playing cards and create an impressive display when ritually laid out. In the hands of a trained “reader,” this deck of special cards can provide glimpses into the future, both for the reader and the person seeking a reading. Let’s explore the Tarot deck further, including its…

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